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Viviana & Shane — Minted




Please join us for our wedding celebration on

14 days until the big day!

Our Story

We've built something here. We've come a long way.
Vivi worked at Dunkin, and I would stop by for coffee and a donut before heading to school. I was the librarian for an Elementary school near there. When we finally decided to go for a date, COVID shut the world down and this almost ended before it was started. There were a lot of complications back then, but we liked each other a lot and really gave each other the effort this needed.

She saw me as a sweet, capable man. I saw her as a hard-working, beautiful woman.
From there, we were just learning - not only about who each other were, but also about how to build something. She told me she wanted to be a nurse, and so we went for it. I told her I wanted to be a doctor, and so we went for it. When she moved in with me, it made sense. When I proposed to her, it made sense. This marriage makes sense. I have become even sweeter and more capable, and she has become a harder worker and more beautiful. We've come a long way.

We're still building.
This wedding marks an important day, an important commitment. We have toughed out some toughies - enough to know we can do this. We are honored to celebrate this humbling and healing love with you.